Tenders & Procurement
As an independent voice in the marketplace, Catalyst Waste Solutions is uniquely placed to help Trusts to achieve best value in the procurement process. With detailed knowledge of the market’s products, services and practices, our independent consultants can help you identify opportunities to deliver genuine savings in the shortest possible timeframe.
Catalyst offer end-to-end support from building the business case and benchmarking market costs, through to tender specification, implementation and ongoing reporting. We help you deliver class-leading solutions that save money without compromising service quality.
Cost-effective management of waste
At Catalyst, we believe that the cost effective management of waste can only truly be realised when all areas of the organisation begin to see waste as a resource. Whilst the procurement process is a vital tool for cost control, only a strong approach to waste avoidance and waste minimisation can deliver significant savings. Our strategic approach and detailed understanding of the realities of working in a clinical environment allow us to offer practical and ongoing support that can transform your waste management budget.
Offensive Waste Opportunity
According to data submitted as part of the ERIC returns, NHS Trusts in England spent nearly £87 million pounds on waste disposal in 2014/15. Research from across the UK consistently shows that a large proportion of healthcare waste, in some cases up to a third, is actually general waste, leading to reduced recycling rates and excessive disposal costs. Further, the Royal College of Nursing estimate that an annual saving of over £5.5 million could be achieved if just 20% of the waste currently classified as infectious waste was reclassified as offensive. With all healthcare providers facing budgetary challenges, the better management of waste represents a significant opportunity for both financial and environmental savings.